Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Government has turned on God and the United States Constitution.

      I have again made several petitions challenging the Right of the Government to Oppress the Right of Redress. The First Amendment just as the South Carolina Constitution are clear the NO PART of Government has a right to Oppress the peoples Right of a Full and Fair Redress of Grievances.When I Brought it up in Court in Front of Judge Dennis he laughed. How can you get Justice in America when the Evil Ones of Government and even the President of the United States, President Obama is willing to sell his SOUL to Satin to keep the Ill-gained power of the Government. I Will file an appeal again. This shows that All Off Government Has Willfully Conspired against the Almighty God. I need someone you believe in The Creative Force - Father God and will help me restore the Commanded Protection of the U.S. Constitution.