It is my belief that if you you take and OATH or give your word in the Name of God that you will keep that OATH that you have a duty to do so. I find out I now understand that President Obama just as everyone else in government takes that OATH because it is required to receive a pay check or monetary gains. Wen they bound their Soul to their word they had no intention of keeping it.
I go before the Court again as I have many times before to Petition the Court to give a Full and Fair Redress of my Grievance that the Government is Knowingly and Intentionally Complicit or Enabling the Ongoing Conspiracy to cover up that the First Amendment and South Carolina's Constitution commands that the Government make no law respecting the right of the people to a Full and Fair Redress of Grievances.
In Theodore Wagner vs. South Carolina, 2015-CP-10-01303, on May 11, 2016 I will again ask South Carolina's Assistant General Attorney to Answer all of my grievances and Challenges of Laws made in violation of the Sought Carolina's Constitution.
I believe that South Carolina's Assistant General Attorney, Marcie Greene is going to Conspiring to cover up the Evidence that has been submitted in this case. South Carolina has twice been lawfully served with this grievance. Marcie Greene took an OATH of Office to defend the Integrity of the S.C. Constitution. I believe she will again on May 11, 2016 use her power of office to cover up this Conspiracy. All I am asking is for the Court to give a Full and Fair Redress of my Grievance and give me my Constitutional right to a Trial By Jury.
We will see how HONORABLE the South Carolina Courts truly are.
May Truth And Justice Prevail.