Monday, December 3, 2018

Assistant Inspector General for Investigations; Eric A. Johnson Follow up Letter Mailed 11-27-18

    On November 27, 2018 I sent a Notarized follow up letter to the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations; Eric A. Johnson as they will not lot talk to except as Operator number. I sent in all the Evidence and a lot more of Andrea Crisel Gentry of the cover up that Andrea Crisel was 20 years old on June 25, 1999 and S.A. Cynthia McCants, of the F.B.I. and Federal Assistant Attorney, Rhett Dehart and the Ongoing Conspiracy to Cover it up at the Grand Jury Hearing in 2002.  (See 5/19/18 post)  I also sent Eric A. Johnson a copy of the Notarized letter I sent to Federal Assistant Attorney, Rhett Dehart in 2004 telling him I had this Evidence and would not stop trying to prove this Cover Up of the Truth.

This is a picture of Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry who set up a party so she could have sex with all the the Minors on Video when she was 20 years, 1 month, 16 Days old, on June 25, 1999 and the Government Conspired to cover it up.

To: U.S. Department of Justice
Office of the Inspector General
Assistant Inspector General for Investigations;
Eric A. Johnson
1425 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 7100
Washington, D.C. 20530-2001

Regarding: Conspiracy to give Perjured or Misleading testimony to a Federal Grand Jury under                         Title 18, United State Code, Section 1503 by S.A. Cynthia McCants, of the F.B.I. and                         Federal Assistant Attorney, Rhett Dehart and the Ongoing Conspiracy to Cover it up.
Dear Mr. Johnson,
This is a Follow up letter to the Complaint / Petition I Mailed to you on October 14, 2018, Certified Mail: 7016 1370 0000 4822 5758. I have checked the Post Office for a General Deliver at the above address many times and there is no reply. As I said I am neither a Lawyer or a writer so please forgive my disjointed presentation but when you live with Post Dramatic Stress Disorder and Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia as diagnosed from you psychiatrist every day is a Mental Struggle.
In the 4 Government Documents I sent you this and much more Evidence I proved the Government committed an intentional cover-up under 18 U.S.C. § 1503 by U.S. Attorney Rhett Dehart and S.A. Cynthia McCants of the F.B.I. before the Grand Jury in 2002 about my wife's party on June 25, 1999 to cover up her age as 20 years old. I sent you Evidence of not only U.S. Attorney Rhett Dehart and S.A. Cynthia McCants of the F.B.I. committing a Felony Crime before the Grand Jury in 2002 but also United States Attorney Rhett Dehart and Federal Court Judge Micheal Duffy aiding in this cover-up on December 19, 2013.
I include a copy of a Letter I sent to United States Attorney Rhett Dehart on May 24, 2014 that I had Notarized before I sent it to him. I will have this letter Notarized before I send it to you also for an ongoing record for my book.
This is what I plan on posting on Facebook and Blogs
I have called the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General for Investigations; Eric A. Johnson a number of times and have been to the Post Office to check to see if I have a response. As they only use code names it feels like you are talking to a drug dealer. I sent all the evidence to show a crime was committed by the Department of Justice.

At 3:16 am. on October 5th 2018 I called (202) 616-4760 the first time.
I got Operator 8. I told her my whole story and ask if this is the right place to investigate the F.B.I. Forgiving False and Misleading Evidence to a Federal Grand Jury. She said it was. I need to send in any Evidence I have but it can only have to do with the Federal Government. I told her it does have to do with the Federal Government but the State and Counties of South Carolina were a party to covering up my wife's Age as 20 years, 1 month, 16 days old on June 25, 1999 also. She said they can only deal with the Federal Government. I told her I would get the Evidence together and mail it to the address I listed below.

At 12:38 pm., October 16th 2018 I mailed the Large Envelope to the address below.
It is all the Evidence I believe that is on the Blog along with Federal Evidence that in 2013 Judge Duffy aided Federal Assistant Attorney Rhett Dehart in this ongoing Conspiracy to cover up the fact they gave False Evidence to the Grand Jury in 2002.

Card signed for on Tuesday, October 23rd 2018 at
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of the Inspector General
Assistant Inspector General for Investigations;
Eric A. Johnson
1425 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 7100
Washington, D.C. 20530-2001
Complaint / Petition Mailed Certified Mail: 7016 1370 0000 4822 5758
At 2:34 pm. on Friday, November 2nd 2018 I talked to Operator 8 again. I got no response at all. She said for Security Purposes they can tell me nothing. I have to wait 2 to 3 weeks for a response.
It was signed for on October 23rd 2018. The Evidence can not be disputed. They are all Government Documents and show S.A. Cynthia McCants, of the F.B.I. and Federal Assistant Attorney, Rhett Dehart knowingly giving False and Misleading testimony to a Federal Grand Jury under Title 18, United State Code, Section 1503 to cover up Andrea was 20 years, 1 month 16 days old on June 25, 1999 when she threw her party with her friends.

At 10:37 am. on Friday, November 9, 2018 I called the number and a man, Code Named, Operator 42 answered. I told him the story and how I thought there was only one Operator, Operator 8.
I ask if I can speak to Eric A. Johnson himself and was told “No”. I ask why and he said they do not do that. I told him how I have tried everything in Federal and State Courts and the F.B.I. showed up in a State Civil Court with Andrea. I thanked him for his time and said I would be calling again.
I am in fear that as part of the Department of Justice they will just do their part to Cover Up the Truth so they can keep their nose clean so to speak and I will have to suffer for the rest of my life for the one day my adult wife had a party on June 25, 1999. I Pray that Assistant Inspector General for Investigations; Eric A. Johnson truly believes in his Oath and Justice.

I have Filed 1 Constitutional Challenge after another for the Truth. Not one has been given Redress. This was not my party! These were not my friends! They were Andrea's!
The Federal Government is still covering up that when Andrea was having sex with all her friends on June 25, 1999 she was 20 years, 1 month, 16 days old! This is basic math and your basic Government cover up.
Now you know. Do you continue to reap the benefits of the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree? Do you turn a Blind eye to this cover up? That is why I keep sending out all of this. For the paper trail to show who is Complicit or Enameling this Conspiracy to remain covered up.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this                                                      Theodore Wagner
____day of ________________, 20__                                                        Constitutional Patriot
Notary Public for South Carolina
My commission expires: ___________          Letter was Signed, Notarized, and Mailed on November 27, 2018.

    The Evidence does not lie! S.A. Cynthia McCants, of the F.B.I. and Federal Assistant Attorney, Rhett Dehart knew they were Misleading the Grand Jury in 2002 to Cover it up that my Wife Andrea was 20 years old on June 25, 1999 when she threw her party and had sex with her Friends on video tape I hate computers but I hate having to live this Government lie even more. Just put the Truth on the Record already!