The First Amendment of the United States Constitution Guarantees that Congress nor any part of Government will Oppress a Full and Fair Redress of every Americans Grievances. That is a lie. They have made many Laws and Turn a blind Eye to the grievances of the poor all the time.
On Monday, May 8, 2019 I mailed again the same Notarized Complaint / Grievance with Government Generated Documents to show an Ongoing Conspiracy by the Department of Justice to cover up crimes committed by Judges, United States Attorneys, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
To: Administrative
Office of the United States Courts
as Federal Judge Micheal Duffy
was a party.
Office of the United States Courts
Department of Justice
Columbus Circle, NE
DC 20544
To: Office
of Professional Responsibility
as Assistant U.S. Attorney Rhett Dehart
was a party.
of Professional Responsibility
Department of Justice
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 3266
DC 20535-0001
To: Office
of the Inspector General
as Special Agent Cynthia McCants of the Federal
Bureau of Investigations
was a party. From the Evidence presented there were many other
of Inspector General
Department of Justice
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 4706
DC 20530
I got the Address from the Attorney Generals Office, Office of the Inspector General. Same address I have sent to many times but this one had a room number. (See Above)
I have sent in all the Government Generated Documents again with case law that show I am right.
I have posted on Blogger since the last one shown.. I hope this one gets out there.
The Government should not have the Right to Bare False Witness and cover up Felony Crimes by the Federal Government and Refuse to give Redress of those crimes when Government Documents prove them to be a Fact.
I Theodore Wagner Reserve and Preserve the Right to have the Government tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth as Guaranteed and protected in the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Every Government Person takes an Oath to Protect These Rights and the United States Constitution. So Give Redress to this Grievance and put the Truth on the Record for all the World to see!