Monday, June 11, 2018

Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry Court Subpoena to tell the Truth on May 7, 2018

Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry Court Subpoena to tell the Truth on May 7, 2018

     Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry was Subpoenaed to Court to testify that she was the 20 year old adult that sponsored and held the sex party on June 25, 1999. Not me. The defendants lawyer, Kenneth Goode, had been colluding with Andrea and Federal Agents outside in the halls of a States Civil hearing to make sure the Government cover up did not bet out. On May 7, 2018 Judge Hall ruled that Andrea would have to testify as she was the whole reason this case existed. On the morning of May 8, 2018 Judge Hall threw out the case as to aid in a Federal Cover up.

     The Cover letter has all the Facts and it was up to the Jury I had demanded to decide, not the Judge to cover up.What gives the Federal Government the right to come into a State Court and Oppress a State witness from telling the Truth?

    Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry was 20 years , 1 month, 16 days old when she had her sex party with her friends and ran Candice Christensen off. The 4 Government Documents in Blogger page "Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry had sex with children on tape and the Government covers it up."  prove that with any doubt at all.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jeff Wagner, Thomas Wagner and the Hate of the American People 18-06-05

Jeff Wagner, Thomas Wagner and the Hate of the American People 18-06-05

     I wrote this blog today, June 5, 2018, after I called my brother Jeff Wagner to ask again if he had read “Cover Letter and Instructions to sign” [This is also a Blog] and my Petition on along with looking at the Evidence that prove Andrea was 20 years, 1 month, 16 Days old on June 25, 1999 when as wife had her sex party with her friends. Jeff said he glanced at it but it is not what he remembers about the case. I kept asking him did he look at the 4 Government Documents that prove the Government Mislead the Grand Jury. It is the only reason I am on the Registry is 2 of Andrea's 4 tapes. Jeff said “No”. He already knows the story. They came and questioned him at the time of my arrest. I kept telling him the people who were framing me was the Government who came to talk to him. Even my Public Pretenders would not let me bring in witnesses who drove in from Atlanta to testify on my behalf or even Candice Christensen. The said I can not see my “Will” or “Diaries” which had every fact in them. Jeff got angry with me and said he did not want to talk about it then and maybe he would look later. link: This link will take you to my Petition.

     This is the same response I got from my son Thomas Wagner when he needed a place to stay and was crashing at my place. Thomas will always use my being on the Registry as the only reason he has not made it. I brought a large file in like I showed Mike Davis on January 21, 2014 and I had put some Important Documents on top that are in “In 4 Government Documents it shows Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry had sex with children on tape and the Government covers it up.”, “ Detective William Crews of the Charleston County Sheriffs Department S.L.E.D. Arrest Reports”, Newspaper Articles and on and on along with many other papers that prove the Cover up and Crime by the Government. Thomas threw them on the table and said he did not need to look at them because he already knew the story.

     That left me in a Panic Attack from Hell! Even after Judge Hall saw them on May 7, 2018 and knows of the Government Crimes and Cover up, he was Complicit and Enabled them to continue by throwing the case out so the Truth will not get out.

     For hours I could not function thinking of “The Oprah Winfrey and John Walsh Hate Act.” In prison I remember every day Oprah Winfrey and John Walsh would talk of the worst 5% of Crime and how Proud she was she was able to clump all people in the same group and they have no chance of a life for themselves or there families for the other 95% for ever. Every day it would Rile Hate in the inmates who would start talking of killing sex offends. I knew I was innocent and Oprah still caused me fear. Recidivism is lower for Sex offenders than Murderers.

     This also violates the First Amendment Right of a Redress of Grievances in the First Amendment presented in much in much earlier Blogs. The Government does not have to prove you are a threat to anyone now with the “The Oprah Winfrey and John Walsh Hate Act.President Clinton Conspired against the First Amendments 5th Mandate of the Bill of Rights to insure no American can have his Grievance heard without Oppression.

     Congress Shall make NO Law Respecting The Right Of The People Peaceable To Petition The Government For A Redress Of Grievances. President Clinton has made many!

     Which brings me back to Hate like Jeff Wagner, Thomas Wagner, Pastor James Norris, Oprah Winfrey, John Walsh, and millions of other people who hate so much the will not look at the other side of the coin. My mother said you should nerve judge anyone until you have seriously examined all the Facts.

     I have Federal Documents that prove a Federal Crime to cover up people who committed sex crimes against children by the Government. How am I to get the Nation to look at these 4 Government Documents if my own my on blood will not look.

      Just to end on one more cover up. Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry at 13 year old was treated for Vaginal Warts at the Navy Hospital that the doctor told her she had had for years. Andrea's Father, Kenneth Crisel was also treated at the Navy Hospital for Vaginal Warts. A sexually Transmitted Disease. Andrea and her mother turned Kenneth Crisel in for this and Andrea was very explicit on what he had done to her. But Kenneth Crisel was a retired Military Policeman from the Navy. The Government take care of their own. The Stature of Limitations had not expired when Andrea told S.A Cynthia McCants of the Federal Bureau of Investigation about this crime. When I mentioned it to Ann Walsh, 1 of my Public Pretenders, she responded they don't want him, they just want you. But then my lawyers covered up all the Truth and my Witnesses. But as this is an Ongoing Conspiracy against Civil Rights, Statue of Limitations do not apply. I was crying out for Justice on the day of my sentence and I still am today.

Is there anyone out there who cares about Truth, Justice, and the Constitution?

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dismissal Form 4 used to cover up Government Crimes

                               Dismissal Form 4 used to cover up Government Crimes

This is the actual Form 4 used to throw out the case Theodore Wagner Plaintiff   VS. Designa Print and Mike Davis including anyone who is Complicit or Enabled protecting  Mike Davis. Defendants. Docket No. 2015-CP-10-4166.

The other Blogs including Sign a Petition at to put the Truth on the Record and End the FBI Cover Up! and Sign a Petition at to put the Truth on the Record and End the FBI Cover Up!can expalin more.

But in South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure 41 B does not exist. I have tried Gogglng it and it does not exist. I was thrown out of court to cover up the 4 Government Documents presented  that will prove  Felony Crime was committed by the Government to cover up that Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry did knowingly produce and have sex with minors when she was 20 years old.

How did Judge Hall throw me out of Court in seconds with this Rule denying my Trial By Jury Demanded. It was the Jury job to decide the Faces. No the Judges to Oppress them.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sign a Petition at to put the Truth on the Record and End the FBI Cover Up!

Cover Letter and Instructions to sign

Dear Partiot,
I ask you you to read all information and look at all the Evidence before you make a decision to sign the Petition at Only with your help can I put the Truth on the Record. link: This link will take you to my Petition.
This part is just to you.  If you can think of anyone else to sign please ask them. I have to get 5 signatures to make it public and 100 signatures so Senator Lindsey Graham will see them. Pray I get the Truth on the Record and clear my name. Thanks for your help.
Introduction of Facts
On the morning of June 25, 1999 my 20 year old wife left to go to Folly Beach with her friends and said she would not be home that night. Andrea was a Freak and said they were going to have and Orgy that night at some other place, not our house. As she was 20 years younger than I was she never aloud me to hang out with her friends. I invited 22 year old Candice Christensen to come over, lay out, have dinner, and spend the night. NO SEX. About 6:30 pm. Andrea comes in with 3 friends, 2 I met that day, and proceeded to have her party in our house and ran my guest off. On February 28, 2002 I was arrested for her party. I am on the Sexual Registry for 2 of the 4 tapes Andrea made that night. The Government Conspired to cover up her age and it has never been put on the Record that Andrea was an Adult or that it was her party and friends only, who made these 4 tapes. Furthermore, my lawyers who conspired with the prosecution to set me up and refused to defend me got Detective William Crews of the Charleston County Sheriffs Department off from year of assaulting children as young as 10 years old and he has no record and is not on the Registry.
In 2014 Michael Rhett Dehart of the United States Attorneys Office and Judge P. Michael Duffy of the Federal Department of Justice sent me back to prison for 45 days to punish me because I refused to stop filing law suits to put the Truth that I am Innocent on the Record. They both Conspired to lie to Facilitate this cover up at that Court Hearing to send me to prison again as my only crime was exercising my First Amendment Right For a Redress of my Grievance that I am Innocent and am Denied Justice.
As this Petition came about because the Federal Government came in and took control of a State Civil Court Hearing on May 8, 2018 to keep Andrea who is past the Stature of limitations for prosecution from Testifying under Oath about the facts of her party in 1999.
Instructions to sign and view Evidence in
      1. You have to put the link to at the top of the page in a new window. Press enter. This will take you to web site to my petition to put the Truth one the Record.
      2. Please forgive my writing. I am neither a writer or a Lawyer just someone unjustly prosecuted who wants the Truth on the Record that I am Innocent. Please respond with any tips or advice and I will respond at my next trip to the Library to use the Internet.
      3. There are 2 links that have JPEGS of the actual Government Documents and Fillings and
      4. This will take you to the site. is part of Google and will require you to enter a Gmail Email or other Email address that belongs to Google to open site. This will open my Blog “First Amendment Right For A Redress
      5. You are welcome to read any of my Blogs but most are from 2013. It is easier to go back to the page and click on the link again. It will take you to either of the 2 pages talked about at the time.
      6. The first link starts by showing you the 4 Government documents that show that S.A Cynthia McCants of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Michael Rhett Dehart of the United States Attorneys Office intentionally Misleading the Federal Grand Jury that Andrea Lynn (Crisel) Gentry who set up a party so she could have sex with all the the Minors on Video when she was 20 years, 1 month, 16 Days old, on June 25, 1999.
      7. I ask you to also read the Constitutional Challenge link of Filings. The wording of the Ninth Amendment makes it a Federal Crime against the U.S. Constitution and this County to Lie or Mislead any person about the Truth about someone.
      8. As the Statue of John C. Calhoun at Marion Square says; Truth, Justice, and the Constitution.