Saturday, May 25, 2013


“Thou shall bear fall witness against thy nabor.” is the Ninth Commandment of GOD. This commandment is the reason we had the oath in court, “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, So help you GOD.”
The Ninth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny of disparage other retained by the people.”   I ,Theodore Wagner retain the unalienable right endowed on me by GOD to have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth spoken about me, most especially, by my own government. I can prove the government through SA. Cynthia McCants and Det. William Crews did knowingly and intentionally bear false witness against me under oath to GOD. I can prove the court knew this, and did aid in and did facilitate a cover up by using Laws made by Congress to oppress redress of my challenge.
This is one of the challenges I have before the court right now the court refuses to address titled “I challenge the court’s authority to oppress the Commanded Protection of the Ninth Amendment and petition for a test as presented in U.S.A. vs. Butler, 297 US 1.”  It is a constitutionally protected right that my government will not bear false witness against me. I have, as all Americans have, the right to grieve by petition in court that my government did bear false witness. That they did produce a false stigma that is causing my harm. There is no way the government or anyone can say there is not an ongoing harm and damage that permanently affects a person’s life by false stigma.
To those of us who have not given our Souls to the Evil ONE, these truths are self-evident: that all persons are created equal, that we are all endowed by OUR CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these, but not limited to, are Life, Liberty, and, the personal pursuit of happiness. Among these certain unalienable rights endowed on us by Our Creator, are those commanded protections of the Ten Commandments of The Creator.
Just because a person, or Regime, has closed their hearts off from The Creator, or given their soul to the Evil ONE as to refuse to swear the Oath “SO HELP ME GOD”, does not Void the Unalienable Right I retain through the Ninth Amendment to have the Truth, the whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth presented about me.
The courts have ruled in the last few years that the government has the right to bear false witness and the courts protect prosecutors who do so.
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Aug 20, 2011 – A USA TODAY investigation documented 201 criminal cases across the nation in which federal judges found that prosecutors broke the rule

This is only samples of what I am trying to end. Prosecutors will continue to conspire against constitutional rights until this challenge is heard. Please help me end this oppression. I need your help!

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